Sunday, May 23, 2021

Last Week of School 2021

 Here we are - the last week of school. Can you believe it? What a crazy, unique, different, yet a very memorable year. 

Thank you, Parents. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have loved every single moment that I spent getting to know your children as individuals and as learners. I remind the students often that they are the best class ever and how much I love them. They always say, "Ms. Burris' this is your first year you don't have others to compare us to!", but I truly feel that this group of kiddos has impacted me so much in ways I'll never be able to express (without crying at least). They are all so unique and amazing and I can't wait to see and hear about all the amazing things they will accomplish in the coming years. 

A few reminders:

- If you find any books around the house that belong to my classroom library, please send them back in. If you happen to find any other books from classroom libraries from previous years, feel free to send those back as well. I can get them back to the correct teacher

-If your child has quarantined this year, please also check for any classroom materials that haven't made their way back yet. (Bins, whiteboards, etc.)

Upcoming Events:

May 24th - Library Field Trip - Walk to Kaukauna Public Library for Summer Reading Program Presentation

            (Please ONLY pack a lunch, your child's KPL card (if they have one), and a water bottle in your child's backpack. Take EVERYTHING ELSE OUT (even fidgets/toys) they'll be carrying their backpack the entire day. We will be walking a total of 4 miles, so please send your child in comfortable shoes. It may also be a good idea to send them with sunscreen and an umbrella just in case. If it rains, we will each lunch in the classroom and enjoy Dip Bars at the end of the day)

May 26th - Field Day!

May 27th - 4th Graders Teach Mini Courses


    4th Grade "Send off" at 9am (will be broadcasted on Facebook Live)

    Dismissal at 11:30am

Curriculum Update:

All units are wrapping up. We will be celebrating the end of our Historical reading and writing units this week. Students will be packing up many of there things this week and taking it home each day. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Again, thank you! ♥

Carly Burris

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Week of May 17th

 Hello Everyone!

Only two weeks left with your kiddos - I'm going to be soaking up every minute of it!

This week we made posters and cheered on the participates of Kaukauna High School's Breaking Boundaries event! Here's some pictures! We also enjoyed the nice weather with reading outside!

Upcoming Events:

May 19th - 4th Grade Trip to RiverView Middle School

May 21st - Human Growth & Development (This happens at the end of the day. All 4th grade girls will be with me and all 4th grade boys will be with Mrs. Streck)

May 24th - Library Field Trip


Curriculum Update:

Reading: As the year is coming to an end so is our units. We are finishing up our historical fiction book club books and group work! 

Writing: Just like reading, we're finishing up our writing of historical fiction as well. Students are wrapping up the pieces they've been working so hard on. All writing must be completed and be ready to celebrate by this Friday!

Math: Students are working hard to finish strong in math! We are working on solving order of operation problems!

Have a wonderful week! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Carly Burris 

Week of May 3rd

 I can't believe it's already May. What. A. Year. Although this year felt and was different, I am so fortunate that I got to experience this year with your children. I am going to soak up every moment with them in this final month of school.

They're all ready for middle school, but I'm not ready for them to go. I'll miss them all so much.

Upcoming Events:

May 24th - Field Trip to Library 

May 17th - Human Growth & Development (This happens at the end of the day. All 4th grade girls will be with me and all 4th grade boys will be with Mrs. Streck)

May 19th - 4th Grade Trip to RiverView Middle School

May 24th - Library Field Trip


Curriculum Update:

Reading: We are in our Historical Fiction unit! This unit allows all students to be apart of a book club that focuses on one historical time era. Each student submitted a recommendation of what time era and individuals they'd like in their group. All their recommendations were taken into consideration and they were placed in book clubs. So far, the book clubs are going great! Each club has taken over a space/bulletin board in the classroom where they proudly display their hard work, research, images, timelines, maps, and other artifacts that represent life during that time era. 

Writing: We've entered our final unit of the school year - Historical Fiction. This writing unit coincides with our Historical Fiction book clubs in reading. Students are working hard at creating a historical fiction piece that takes place on the unit they are studying in reading. Out of all the units I've taught this year, working and reading students historical fiction pieces are by far my favorite. I am so impressed on their writing abilities and their creative ideas that stem from the history they learn!

Word Study: We are working our way through Unit 11. This unit has been very easy for all students as it focuses on contractions. We will continue working through this unit and take the test early next week!

Math: Students took their Unit 7 Math Test this Friday. It will be scored and returned to them on Monday for them to make corrections and ask any questions they have. We will then move into Unit 4 (Our last unit of the year!!)

Content: We've been on a pause from content over these past few weeks as our schedule has changed due to Forward test. This week we'll be back into our normal schedule and begin learning about the Early National Period & Republican Motherhood Treaty Era.

Enjoy your weekend! 😎

Carly Burris

Thank You

It's hard to put into words how bittersweet the end of the school year is. It has truly been an honor to teach this group of fourth grad...