Friday, December 17, 2021

Week of Dec 20th

 Hi Families!

A short but exciting week is ahead of us before we break until the new year! Usually around the holiday season we tend to be reminded of things we are thankful for and lucky to have. I find myself so lucky to be your child's teacher. This group of kiddos is really something special and I am so honored to know them and teach them. 

Here's a great resource passed along by Mrs. Duda, the school counselor here at NDLC:

While meeting with Mrs. Steif, NDLC's Reading Specialist, this week during our collaboration time, Mrs. Steif shared the connection between standardized testing and the ability to read grade level texts. Here is a great visual she passed along:

NDLC is also launching our #NDLCReads campaign on social media. In class we are making a "bookshelf" display where students show books that they've read. Some ways you can participate at home include:

  • Snap a photo of your student reading at home
  • Post it to any social media platform with the hashtag #NDLCReads
  • Tag us on Facebook using @ndlccharterschool

At the end of each week, your child's name will be entered in a book drawing to be held January 28th!

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, December 21st: Math Test

Wednesday, December 22nd: Pajama Day!

Thursday, December 23rd - December 31st: Happy Holidays! NO SCHOOL.

Monday, January 10th: Reading iReady (50%)

Tuesday, January 11th: Reading iReady (remaining 50%)

Wednesday, January 12th: Math iReady (50%)

Thursday, January 13th: Math iReady (remaining 50%)

Curriculum Updates:

Reading: We wrapped up our unit and many partnerships have come to an end. Some students really enjoyed partnerships and plan to continue in them (which is awesome!!). Our next unit is one of my favorites, Reading History. In this unit we will read and learn all about the American Revolution. 

Writing: We wrapped up our literary essay unit. I am really impressed at home so many of the students improved as essayists. Our next unit will go alongside our reading unit and it Bringing History to Life. 

Math: Your child will take their Unit 5 test on Measurement on Tuesday, December 21st. They will likely receive their graded test back after the holiday break. We will start a new unit focusing on Geometry in January!

I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing break! ðŸŽ„

Carly Burris

Monday, December 13, 2021

Week of Dec 13th


Homework Update: 

I am going to start sending home math homework once a week. I am usually not a big fan of homework, but I also feel torn with the fact that once these kiddos get to middle school, they will regularly be given homework. Anyway I can help set them up for middle school - I'm in! Students who arrive anytime before 8am, are always welcomed to do their homework here in the classroom. One thing I do want to stress is that if you are feeling like the homework is too tricky or that it is causing your child to become frustrated or emotional - please feel free to just shoot me an email and send back the work they completed even if it isn't all of it. I will take it as a sign that they need greater support with me here in the classroom. 

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, December 15th: Math Quick Quiz 

Tuesday, December 21st: Math Test

Wednesday, December 22nd: Pajama Day!

Thursday, December 23rd - December 31st: Happy Holidays! NO SCHOOL.

Curriculum Updates:

Reading: We are hoping to wrap up our Detail and Synthesis unit before break! Students are working hard to reading their partnership books they've chosen and meet with their partner with solid, deep thinking jots about their characters. 

Writing: Students have been doing fantastic on writing literary essays. Most have finished up writing their character essays and are now moving on two

Math: You should have seen your child's division math test come home last week! If you haven't yet, please make sure you sign it and send it back. We've begun our measurement unit! We have completed lessons about the metric system and time! Students seem really excited and engaged in this unit which is making it so fun to teach!

Enjoy your week! ☃

Carly Burris

Friday, December 3, 2021

Week of Dec 5th

 Happy Friday! ☃

I hope you have all had a great week. Another week of fourth grade down!

Upcoming Events:

Monday, December 6th: Kwik Trip Gift Card Forms Due

Tuesday, December 7th: Kaukauna Christmas Parade at 6pm

Thursday, December 9th: Support NDLC at Culver's in Darboy! (10am-9pm)You will receive a coupon to use.

Friday, December 10th: No School

Wednesday, December 22nd: Pajama Day!

Thursday, December 23rd - December 31st: Happy Holidays!

Curriculum Updates:

Reading: It's been great getting back into our love of fiction reading. Students are all in partnerships where they are reading the same book with another person they chose in the class. Each day they set goals for themselves and their partnership and discuss different topics about their stories. Students are doing lots of jotting about characters to support them later in writing!

Writing: We are working hard at crafting literary essays. Throughout this unit (hopefully before break) We will write a total of 6 essays! Two essays about a character from a book we've read, two about a theme we've identified from a book, and two comparing and contrasting essays. Students are really motivated during writing, and I am so excited by their excitement about writing about reading!

Math: Students took their Unit 3 Math Test on Friday, December 3rd. They will get those tests back next week to get a parent signature and to be returned back to school!

Word Study: Students took their Unit 4 Fundations test on Friday. They will also recieve those tests back next week. We will move into our next unit! Be on the lookout for a family letter and work packet for the next unit next week!

Leader in Me: In the month of December we are focusing on Habit 3: Put First Things First. We will be discussing the importance of planning. If you have time, ask your child how they plan and how you can support them in their planning.

Enjoy your weekend! ☃

Carly Burris

Thank You

It's hard to put into words how bittersweet the end of the school year is. It has truly been an honor to teach this group of fourth grad...